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Chat Rules

NO BULLYING  : Respect the religious, cultural, racial, sexual and political differences of other members. If you disagree with another individual's political opinion, do so in a mature manner or ask the chat room monitor or moderators to create a special room for you where you can invite some people to join in.No harassment of any kind of other members. If you are harassed in whispers please try to ignore the offending user by saving the chat history (ctrl c + ctrl v) and sending it to a moderator for further surveilence. Chat room monitors can only act based on what they see in the main lobby room. They can't see if you have screenshotted so take screenshots and send it to the chat room monitor or chat room admin. No personal attacks are permitted. No . 'I hate ___' or 'If you ___ I hate you.' is permitted. Flame wars should be taken elsewhere. Flame wars are when two or more people write nasty messages to each other with no other purpose than to put each other down. Continued abusers will be  banned and most likely their coins will be given out at random. Trolls take note we won't think twice about a lifetime ban on you. If you have issues with another chatter take it to e-mail, etc. because the main chartroom is not the place for it. It tends to lead to further arguments and it can caused disruption in the chat room .

NO SPAMMING   : Ad display in cam chat is not permitted;putting any kind of URL that IS ILLEGAL ;self or any other kind or promotional activities or convincing other connectidink users for any survey etc is prohibited if no explicit moderator gave consent fr these posts in chat

NO NSFW CONTENT  : Cursing is allowed and you can be romantic with crush gifts and other content but explicit images or videos or text in detail will grant you two strikes immediatly. If the content stays up any longer you get a perminate ban. This does not apply to Private Messages but only if they give consent. Overall P.D.A isn't a strikable offence but anymore than kissing or hugging is considered Explicit so do not post innapropriate content.

NO FIGHTING WITH CHAT MODS : If you would like to file a formal complaint against a Moderator do so in the Help board. Make sure to include the full name, User name, Date of incedent and chat pictures. If a mod gets a true complaint then Connectidink will take charge of disiplining a Moderator

NO ADVERTISING*  : Advertising in a Shop chat or in a post is ok and even private messages with advertisements are ok but if a chat says NO ADVERTISING then do not advertise. When advertising please refer to the Code Of Conduct For Connectidink Advertising

Please be respectful! Our website is for safe use by students!