,?" /> Ranks - Connectidink


These members have the most Points.

Position: 11
Points: 200
Username: Mets838
Rank: Honor Roll
Position: 12
Points: 200
Username: sophia_lovesrats
Rank: Honor Roll
Position: 13
Points: 120
Username: mimi_ds24
Rank: Student
First Page  |  «  |  1  |  2


You can reach these ranks if you have enough Points .

  Rank Points
Newbie 10
Connecter 50
Student 100
A+ Student 150
Honor Roll 200
Professional 500
Adventurer 1000
Prince/Princess 10000
Royaly Crowned 100000

Points earn

The way to earn Points :

Action Points
New forum post: 10 Points
Successful invitation: 100 Points
New friend: 80 Points
New image uploaded: 50 Points
New video uploaded: 50 Points
10 minutes online: 5 Points